


Represents the statewide traveler information website for alerts on traffic incidents, construction, travel times, and other information related to roadways throughout the state. Can be accessed at: http://www.ohgo.com. Information provided by this site is updated frequently and comes from a variety of sources, such as pavement sensors, monitoring stations, traffic cameras, and through direct input by Ohio DOT personnel.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)OwnsExisting and Planned
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)OwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Transportation Information Center

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Center Data Collection'Center Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
Center Data Subscription Management'Center Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechanisms for collecting subscribed data for the end–user including one–time query–response as well as publish–subscribe services.False
TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info DistributionIn support of connected vehicle applications, 'TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. Location–specific or situation–relevant traveler information is sent to short range communications transceivers at the roadside.False
TIC Freight–Specific Travel Planning'TIC Freight–Specific Travel Planning' provides traveler information and trip planning services for freight routes from source to destination, customized for freight users to indicate truck routes, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, etc.False
TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings'TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings' provides road weather advisories to drivers and other travelers.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Freight Operations Centers
Freight Truck Vehicles
National Weather Service
ODOT Buckeye Traffic Website
ODOT District Offices
ODOT Event Streaming Platform
ODOT Rest Area Truck Parking Availability System
Traveler Information Devices