ITS Standards Support for emergency archive data

TypeSDOTitleDoc ID
Standard ProfileProfileNTCIP using DATEXNTCIP–DATEX
ProfileVehicle Cluster from CenterVehicleGateway–CenterSource
ProfileVehicle–to–Vehicle/Infrastructure using UDPDSRC–UDP
Message/DataInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersStandard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for use by Emergency Management CentersIEEE 1512
American Society for Testing and MaterialsStandard Practice for Metadata to Support Archived Data Management SystemsASTM E2468–05
Communications ProtocolConsortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMAPoint–to–Point Protocol Over RS–232 Subnetwork ProfileNTCIP 2103
Consortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMATransportation Transport ProfileNTCIP 2201