COTA Traveler Transit Facility




A transit center provides a centralized location to catch the bus along with other amenities like a day care center, banking, and health care center. COTA currently owns and services 3 transit centers: 1) Linden Transit Center (Cleveland Ave & 11th Ave); 2) Easton Transit Center (near Easton); and 3) Near East Transit Center (1125 E. Main Street).


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA)OwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Traveler Support Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Transit Stop Information Services'Transit Stop Information Services' furnishes transit users with real–time travel–related information at transit stops, multi–modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. It provides transit users with information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real–time schedule adherence. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it supports general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

COTA Fixed–Route Transit Management System