Smart Columbus Operating System




The Operating System is a cloud–based, dynamic, governed data–delivery platform at the heart of the Smart Columbus system. The Operating System also serves as the source for real–time operational data and archived historical data from a combination of data storage sources for use by the City of Columbus and third–party applications/developers. The Operating System integrates data and data services from multiple sources including the planned Smart Columbus projects, traditional transportation data and data from other community partners. The Operating System embodies open–data and open–source concepts to enable better decision–making and problem solving for all users to support a replicable, extensible and sustainable platform.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
City of Columbus Department of Public ServiceOwnsPlanned

Physical Objects

Archived Data System

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Archived Data User Systems
COTA Fixed–Route Transit Management System
Ridesharing Services
Smart Columbus MMTPA/CPS