Smart Mobility Hub Kiosks




Traveler interactive kiosks will be installed on free standing pylons at Smart Mobility Hubs (HUBS) facilities. These kiosks will display real–time transit related information and provide an embedded touch screen display to serve as a direct interface between travelers and the MMTPA/CPS, providing the traveler the ability to plan, schedule and pay for trips using multimodal options available at the HUBS facility, along with additional information and instruction such as directing the traveler to a Transportation Network Company (TNC) pickup location. An Emergency Call Button with Speakers and a microphone will be available for interactive communications to customer service and emergency facilities.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
City of Columbus Department of Public ServiceOwnsPlanned

Physical Objects

Traveler Support Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Traveler Trip Planning'Traveler Trip Planning' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. It represents kiosks and other fixed public interactive displays that may be used by travelers in public areas.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

City of Columbus 911 Call Center
City of Columbus Fire/EMS Dispatch
Ridesharing Services
Smart Columbus MMTPA/CPS