MORPC Amending 2020-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan to Reflect Intel Area Infrastructure

Public comments due August 15, 2022

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission has made available for review and comment a proposed amendment to the 2020-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).

The MTP amendment would reflect the planned state and local investments in infrastructure improvements that will support the Intel site development located in New Albany, Ohio.

The MTP is the long-range planning document that identifies transportation deficiencies, policies, strategies and projects in MORPC’s federally designated metropolitan transportation planning area. The area includes: Delaware County; Franklin County; Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County; New Albany, Pataskala and Etna Township in Licking County; and Jerome Township in Union County.

The 2020-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan was adopted in May 2020, became effective July 1, 2020, and it was amended previously in September 2021.

“Projects utilizing federal transportation funding and significantly impacting the regional transportation network are required be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. These projects will support the transformative economic development activity Intel is bringing to the region."

Specifically, the amendment extends the limits and adjusts the expected construction timeframe of one freeway project already included in the MTP. It also identifies nine new roadway projects in the New Albany area.  These changes are all consistent with the expected investments from the State of Ohio and the City of New Albany to support the development of the Intel site.

Members of the public are encouraged to comment on the proposed amendment, which can be viewed at Comments can be submitted by email to or in writing to MORPC, 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43215, Attn: Maria Schaper, by 5 p.m. on Monday, August 15, 2022.

“As users of the transportation system, it’s important that the public has the opportunity to weigh in on the region’s plan for priority transportation investments."

The amendment will be considered for adoption at MORPC’s Community Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee and Transportation Policy Committee meetings in September.

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