As the regional council for the Central Ohio Region, MORPC’s core responsibility is to facilitate the region’s transportation planning process. As such, we are experts in research and forecasting, public policy, facilitating funding and financing, and acting as a bridge to convene and connect local governments to work collaboratively to drive holistic regional value.
But the role we embody in the region is much broader, focused on ensuring the region has a prosperous and sustainable future and provides a robust quality of life. MORPC is the trusted voice and advisor in guiding and facilitating investments in transportation and infrastructure. We are a capacity builder, driving synergy and creating greater value for the entire region. We inform policy choices and provide community resources that impact mobility, land-use, environmental sustainability, and housing stability. While our work directly serves local governments and community leadership, the ultimate beneficiaries of our efforts are all residents in the region. We are driven to ensure access to what matters most ― jobs, healthcare, food, education, and leisure activities.
MORPC values diversity of culture and thought as tenets of a sustainable regional ecosystem. We are committed to values that embrace all populations of the region and work to ensure our prosperity agenda gets implemented in a fair and equitable way.
MORPC is a reliable and trusted partner in elevating a collaborative atmosphere and driving an optimistic spirit. As the Central Ohio Region attracts more economic development and population growth, our leadership and voice will help drive a prosperous and sustainable future.
Our Mission
MORPC is the regional voice, trusted convener and catalyst, bringing Central Ohio communities together to collaborate on best practices and plan for the future growth and sustainability of the region.
Our Vision
To drive the future prosperity and sustainability of the Central Ohio region.
Focus Areas

MORPC Membership Map

MORPC 15-County Area Map with MPO and RPO Boundaries
Local governments or other regional organizations in the 15-county region that are interested in MORPC membership may contact Eileen Leuby at 614.233.4135.
Strategic Framework
The strategic framework is built on four pillars: Pay It Forward, Drive Investment, Build Value for Our Members, and Create an Environment for Prosperity. Its focus is on tangible strategies for improving Central Ohio. You can download MORPC’s Strategic Framework by clicking the button below.