Public Comments to be Accepted on Updates to Two Regional Transportation Funding Policies

Public comments due by Friday, February 23

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is currently seeking public comment and review on drafts of two critical regional transportation funding policies: the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Transportation Funding and the MORPC Complete Streets Policy. Public comments on both policy drafts will be accepted through Friday, February 23, 2024.

Every two years MORPC seeks qualified projects to be funded by MORPC-attributable federal transportation funding. Approximately $96 million is awarded to projects every two years in the transportation planning area: Delaware and Franklin counties; Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County; Pataskala, New Albany, and Etna Township in Licking County; and Jerome Township in Union County.

Prior to requesting funding applications, MORPC reviews, revises as necessary, and re-adopts the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Funds (“policies”). The document describes the process for local governments to apply for MORPC-attributable transportation funds and to select projects to receive a commitment of funds.

Over the past several months, MORPC convened the Attributable Funds Committee to review and update the policies. The document includes a schedule, eligibility requirements, application requirements, evaluation criteria, procedures for ranking and selecting projects for funding, requirements for sponsors receiving a funding commitment, and other policies for managing the funding program.

nd review on drafts of two critical regional transportation funding policies: the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Transportation Funding and the MORPC Complete Streets Policy. Public comments on both policy drafts will be accepted through Friday, February 23, 2024.

Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Transportation Funding

Every two years MORPC seeks qualified projects to be funded by MORPC-attributable federal transportation funding. Approximately $96 million is awarded to projects every two years in the transportation planning area: Delaware and Franklin counties; Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County; Pataskala, New Albany and Etna Township in Licking County; and Jerome Township in Union County.

Prior to requesting funding applications, MORPC reviews, revises as necessary, and re-adopts the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Funds (“policies”). The document describes the process for local governments to apply for MORPC-attributable transportation funds and to select projects to receive a commitment of funds.

Over the last several months, MORPC convened the Attributable Funds Committee to review and update the policies. The document includes a schedule, eligibility requirements, application requirements, evaluation criteria, procedures for ranking and selecting projects for funding, requirements for sponsors receiving a funding commitment, and other policies for managing the funding program.

“One change from the current policy is that additional emphasis has been placed upon improving safety in the new evaluation criteria. The Committee wanted ensure that reducing fatal and serious injury crashes for all roadway users was a priority in the project selection process.”

“Complete Streets” are roadways, highways, bridges, and other transportation facilities that are designed, implemented, operated, and maintained in an equitable and context-sensitive manner so that people of all ages, incomes, and abilities can use them safely. These streets consider the needs of all people, including, but not limited to, people walking, bicycling, using shared mobility devices and assistive devices, using transit and riding school buses, driving, and operating commercial and emergency vehicles.

MORPC’s Complete Streets Policy (“policy”) was last updated in 2021 and is reviewed on a biennial basis aligned with the review of the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Funding. The policy applies to all projects receiving MORPC-Attributable federal funding.

“The MORPC Complete Streets Policy has had a significant positive impact on transportation infrastructure investments in our region since its inception over a decade ago. These updates help to ensure that our transportation system is growing sustainably, serving all members of our community, and providing safe accommodations for everyone.”

A working group was convened in the Fall of 2023 to review the current Policy and determine where updates were needed. Key changes include the incorporation of the Safe System Approach into the core principles of the Policy as well as minor revisions to the review process to better align with the procedures outlined in the Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Funding.

The updated Policies for Managing MORPC-Attributable Transportation Funding and MORPC Complete Streets Policy will be considered for adoption at MORPC’s Community Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, and Transportation Policy Committee meetings in May.

For more information or to review the draft policies and provide comments, visit Comments may be submitted via email to or in writing to Nick Gill, Transportation Study Director, 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, OH, 43215, by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2024.

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