Guiding Documents:

- Fairfield County – Ira Weiss
- Fairfield County – Rick Szabrak
- Knox County – Brian Ball
- Knox County – Jeff Gottke
- Knox County – Cameron Keaton
- Madison County – Bryan Dhume
- Madison County – Mark Forrest
- Madison County – David Kell
- Marion County – Jim Bishoff
- Marion County – Gus Comstock
- Marion County – Scott Schertzer
- Morrow County – Jamie Brucker
- Morrow County – Bart Dennison
- Pickaway Co. – Chris Mullins
- Pickaway County – Anthony Neff
- Union County – Bill Narducci
- Union County – Jeff Stauch
Please note that every county within the CORPO planning area also has its own sub-committee.
- 1-18 — Approving the Planning Work Program for FY 2019
- 2-18 — Adopting the 2018-2040 CORPO Transportation Plan (CTP)
- 3-18 — Adopting the 2018-2040 CORPO Transportation Plan(CTP) Executive Summary
- 1-19 — Approving the Planning Work Program for FY 2020
- 1-20 — Approving the Planning Work Program (PWP) for FY2021
- 2-20 — Adopting the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
- 1-21 — Approving the Planning Work Program (PWP) for FY2022
- 2-21 Adopting the 2021 CORPO Public Participation Plan
- 3-21 — Adopting Policies for Managing CORPO-dedicated Funds
- 1-22 — Adoption of CORPO-Dedicated Funds Commitments
- 2-22 — Adopting the FY2023 Planning Work Program
- 3-22 — CORPO Transportation Plan Goals and Objectives
- 4-22 — Adopting the 2023-2050 CORPO Transportation Plan Performance Measures
- 1-23 Adopting the Planning Work Program for FY 2024
- 2-23 Adopting the SFY 24-27 Transportation Improvement Program
- 3-23 Adopting the CORPO Dedicated Funding Policy
- 4-23 Resolution Adopting the CORPO 2023-2050 Transportation Plan
- 5-23 Resolution Adopting CORPO Dedicated Funds Commitments
- 6-23 Resolution Re-Adopting Policies for Managing CORPO Dedicated Funds
- 1-24 Adopting the Planning Work Program for FY 2025
- 2-24 Adopting the CORPO Safety Action Plan
- 3-24 Adopting the CORPO Dedicated Funds Commitments
Below is a list of regional funding opportunities for CORPO members. Please view this Eligibility Matrix for specifics.
CORPO Dedicated Funds
Provides funding for eligible transportation projects and programs from eligible local public agencies located in CORPO counties.
Credit Bridge Program
Federal-aid funds available to county governments to replace or rehabilitate their bridges.
Local Major Bridge Program
Provides federal funds to counties and municipalities for bridge replacement or major bridge rehab projects.
Local Roads Oil & Shale Program
Provides funding for roadways impacted by vehicular traffic from oil and gas production.
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
The purpose of the highway safety improvement program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including locally owned public roads.
Metro Parks Program
Provides state funds for park drives or roads within the boundaries of county parks.
Municipal Bridge Program
Provides federal funds to municipal corporations and Regional Transit Authorities for bridge projects.
Small Cities Program
Provides federal funds to small cities not located within a Metropolitan Planning Organization’s boundaries.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Provides funding for projects defined as transportation alternatives, such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Rural Transit Program (RTP)
Federal and State funds (Section 5311) are used to assist with operating and capital expenses in the provision of general public transportation services in rural and small urban areas.
Rural Intercity Bus Program (RICB)
The Ohio Rural Intercity Bus Program (Section 5311(f)) is designed to address the intercity bus transportation needs of the entire state by supporting projects that provide transportation between non-urbanized areas and urbanized areas that result in connections of greater regional, statewide, and national significance. The purpose of the Section 5311(f) funding is to provide supplemental financial support to transit operators and to facilitate the most efficient and effective use of available federal funds in support of intercity bus service in rural areas.
Specialized Transportation Program (STB)
This program (Section 5310) is intended to enhance mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing Federal Transit Administration funds for programs in small urbanized and rural areas that serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit services.
Ohio Mobility Management Program
The Ohio Mobility Management Program increases access to mobility for Ohioans by increasing understanding and awareness of transportation needs, coordination of transportation options to meet needs, and building sustainable and healthy communities by integrating transportation into planning and programs.
Bus and Bus Facilities
The Bus and Bus facilities program (Section 5339) is designed to provide federal funds to assist with the purchase of capital assets for public transit systems in rural portions of the state in order to help meet the program goals.
Ohio Public Transportation Grant Program (OPTGP) – Rural Programs
Federal and State funds (Section 5311) are used to assist with operating and capital expenses in the provision of general public transportation services in rural and small urban areas.
Elderly & Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program (E&D)
This program provides grant funds to reimburse eligible public transportation systems who offer reduced fares to the elderly and people with disabilities.
Ohio Transit Partnership Program (OTP2)
The OTP2 is a discretionary program and projects are selected on a competitive basis with an emphasis on preservations, regionalization, coordination, technology, service expansion, workforce initiatives, and healthcare initiatives. This replaces the Ohio Transit Preservation Partnership Program (OTPPP) which had provided federal funds to urban systems since 2012.
Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC)
The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) is a nine-member council tasked with evaluating funding applications that result in ODOT’s largest transportation project investments. ODOT transportation professionals have developed a funding application evaluation analysis to assist in the TRAC’s decision making.
State Infrastructure Bank
The State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) is a direct loan and bond financing program available to assist borrowers with all levels and modes of transportation projects within the state. SIB funds can be used for up to 100% of the project costs or combined with other funding sources. The program is flexible with terms including an interest free period. Applications are accepted year round.
Transportation Improvement Districts (TID)
The Transportation Improvement Districts(TIDs) Program pro-motes intergovernmental and public-private cooperation by coordinating resources in transportation and provides funding for construction, right-of-way acquisition and engineering design. Funding applications are accepted by ODOT during the annual Spring grant period. Proposed projects will be considered based on their ability to address economic development, job creation and retention impact.
Safe Routes to School
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program provides federal funds to enable and encourage safe walking and biking to school in grades K-8. SRTS can fund up to 100% of project costs and is available for any phase, including preliminary engineering, detailed design, right-of-way, and/or construction. Local Governments may apply for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. Eligible projects include infrastructure, non-infrastructure and school travel planning projects.
For more information, contact CORPO staff at