Funding Availability Announced to Enhance Mobility for Older Adults and Individuals With Disabilities

Proposals Due Monday, Oct. 23; Mandatory Virtual Workshop Scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has announced the availability of Section 5310 Program funding to enhance the mobility of older adults and individuals with disabilities. The deadline for project applications is Monday, October 23, at 5 p.m.

The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program will provide Central Ohioans approximately $1.7 million in federal funding. This program provides grant funds for capital expenses related to vehicles and equipment used in vehicles to transport older adults and people with disabilities and activities related to mobility management. Funds may also be used for operating projects that specifically serve older adults and people with disabilities, travel training to instruct persons with disabilities on using fixed-route bus services, and capital projects to remove barriers at bus stops for persons with disabilities.

The program is administered by MORPC for the Columbus, Ohio Urbanized Area. Eligible recipients include state or local government authorities, private non-profit organizations, or public or private operators of public transportation services. 

“The goal of the program is to enhance options for all populations so they can go about their daily life without having to worry about how to move independently. As our population continues to grow, creating a more connected and inclusive Central Ohio region will be even more important.”

Fast forward to 2050, MORPC estimates more than 3 million residents will call the 15-county Central Ohio region home. Much of that growth will occur in the age group of those who are 65 years and older.  

“MORPC is proud to invest federal dollars into projects that improve accessibility for seniors and individuals with disabilities in Central Ohio.”

Funds are available each federal fiscal year and are distributed following a MORPC review and a 5310 Advisory Committee approval process. The Section 5310 mandatory information workshop will be held virtually on Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 12 – 1 p.m. To join the meeting online, click on the link below and enter the information provided:

5310 Mandatory Workshop link

Meeting ID: 266 560 341 007
Passcode: SvuBY9

To RSVP for the information workshop, contact John Gardocki at or call 614.233.4146. For more information on Section 5310 Program funding, visit our website.

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Melissa Rapp

Public Information Manager

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