Public comments due Nov. 30, 2021
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission has made available for review and comment its draft Active Transportation Plan.
The Active Transportation Plan is focused on improving pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities across Central Ohio. It explores the current environment for walking and bicycling in local communities and provides a blueprint to guide the region toward a complete and connected, low-stress active transportation network.
"Creating a transportation system that provides access and options to everyone is at the forefront of MORPC’s efforts. The Active Transportation Plan will help us implement and maintain an equitable network of active transportation infrastructure that ensures the region’s transportation system supports and accommodates mobility for all users, including all ages and abilities."
MORPC Director of Planning & Sustainability Kerstin Carr
The plan, which is being updated from the 2016 version, includes the following goals:
- Increase the safety of Central Ohio’s active transportation system
- Improve the level of comfort on Central’s Ohio’s active transportation system
- Expand the connectivity of Central Ohio active transportation network
- Increase access to active transportation infrastructure across Central Ohio
“Neighborhoods with a greater share of vulnerable households – lower incomes, people of color, and older adults – are more likely to have infrastructure in need of repair or without sidewalks and bikeways. When obstacles to walking and bicycling have been removed and streets are low-stress, our children and our grandparents, our friends with different abilities, and our neighbors with economic limitations can safely use any street or trail anytime and anywhere.”
MORPC Senior Planner Lauren Cardoni
The draft plan focuses on the transportation planning area of Delaware and Franklin counties, as well as parts of Fairfield, Licking and Union counties.
Members of the public are encouraged to comment on the draft Active Transportation Plan, which can be viewed at Comments can be submitted by email to or in writing to MORPC, 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43215, Attn: Jennifer Noll, by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021.
The plan will be considered for adoption by MORPC’s Community Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee and Transportation Policy Committee at their December meetings.