MORPC’s Data & Mapping team created seven user personas that represent real groups of data users in Central Ohio. We know from our Central Ohio data user research that different users use data in different ways to get the answers they need. These personas serve as guides in how we think, communicate, and design when we’re deciding how best to deliver data to our members, partners, and the public.

Savvy Sonja
Has watched every episode of Parks and Recreation.3 times.
Planner for a mid-sized city government. Analyzes data to find answers to questions and share information with stakeholders.

Manager Marco
Soccer dad. Spends weekends coaching his kids’ teams.
Administrator for a township. Uses data to share information and understand practical issues.

Engaged Elaine
World Traveler. Can handle much spicier food than you.
Retiree, neighborhood advocate, watershed protection group board member. Seeks to engage in participatory analysis about areas of expertise.

Decisive Delaney
Has two Dachshunds named Oscar Mayer and Nathan.
Elected village council member. Looks for accessible data to inform decisions and communicate with residents.

Hopeful Hadiya
Debate champion. Can and will beat your argument.
Affordable housing nonprofit employee. Wants to understand and communicate housing needs, and demonstrate program impacts.

Specialist Samir
Biggest. Movie nerd. Ever.
Project manager for a planning and engineering consulting firm. Needs project-specific data to meet contracted goals and regulatory requirements.

Coding Corey
*Self-proclaimed and unapologetic
Civic tech enthusiast. Wants to make cool solutions to real community problems with any and all data they can get their hands on.