Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC)

The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) is a nine-member Council chaired by ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks. The TRAC is tasked with evaluating funding applications that result in ODOT’s largest transportation project investments. Projects reviewed by the TRAC have a total project cost greater than $12 million, add capacity to the transportation system, and support economic development. These projects are eligible to receive funds through the ODOT’s Major New Capacity Program. ODOT transportation professionals have developed a funding application evaluation analysis to assist in the TRAC’s decision making.

ODOT requests input from metropolitan planning organizations like MORPC and rural transportation planning organizations like CORPO as part of the application evaluation process. Each funding cycle, MORPC and CORPO conduct evaluations of the TRAC applications that fall within their respective transportation planning boundaries. For MORPC, this process includes analyzing and prioritizing each application based on the region’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) goals and objectives. For CORPO, this process includes analyzing each project with how it aligns with the region’s transportation and development goals as detailed in CORPO’s Transportation Plan (CTP). MORPC and CORPO then provide the region’s TRAC project priorities to ODOT, which are considered during the funding selection process.

2024 TRAC Applications

Five projects from the MORPC transportation planning area and two projects from the CORPO transportation planning area were submitted to TRAC during the 2024 application period. Funded through ODOT’s Major New Capacity Program, these transportation projects have a total project cost greater than $12 million, add capacity to the transportation system, and support economic development. The proposed projects seeking funding for this cycle are located in Fairfield, Franklin, Knox, and Pickaway counties.

To learn more about the TRAC project applications, please review the following one-page fact sheets:

MORPC Planning Area
1. I-71 Hard Shoulder Running/Smart Lane
2. I-70 & Taylor Rd./SR 256 Interchanges
3. US 33 Southeast Corridor
4. SR 315 North Knot
5. Dublin Emerald Connector

CORPO Planning Area
6. SR 13 Relocation
7. US 23 & SR 762 Interchange

TRAC received 28 applications from across the state for development or construction of transportation projects requesting a total of $867 million statewide.  The 7 TRAC funding requests made in the MORPC and CORPO planning areas represent over $270 million.

MORPC and CORPO are receiving comments from the public from June 28 through August 16. These comments will be considered in MORPC and CORPO project prioritization analysis and will be shared with the project applicants. Please submit comments by e-mail to or by mail to:

Shelby Oldroyd
Re: TRAC Public Input
111 Liberty Street
Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43215

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Shelby Oldroyd
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