Competitive Advantage Projects

Competitive Advantage Projects (CAP) is a partnership between MORPC and One Columbus to advance strategic innovation, infrastructure, housing and workforce-related investments across Central Ohio. The goal of the initiative is to prioritize and advance regional, transformational projects.


Working with government and business leaders, we help regional partners develop and maintain a list of CAP projects every two years. Working groups within each county lead a local project selection process to identify the top project priorities for their community. The project list is regularly shared with members of the U.S. Congress and the Ohio General Assembly to communicate the priorities of the region. We also track funding opportunities to help project sponsors find funds for project construction. Project types to be considered as part of the Competitive Advantage Projects initiative include: multi-modal transportation, utilities, telecommunications and smart technology, energy systems, workforce and housing.


Regional partners have identified more than 40 projects as Competitive Advantage Projects. The projects range from $500,000 to over $1 billion in cost and are located in rural, urban and suburban parts of the region.

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